Japan is the land of crafts

Japan is the land of crafts. A lot of japanese, old as well as young people invest and dedicate themselves to craft.

Japan is the land of crafts. A lot of japanese, old as well as young people invest and dedicate themselves to craft.They love to create, to find new ideas just for the sake of beauty. On the other hand, the Japanese buyer is also in demand and is fond of these handmade objects, shaped with patience. He is therefore willing to pay the price for a unique object. Craftsmanship is an art and the craftsman is even recognised  as  "national treasure". The country has created 8 categories: ceramics, textiles, lacquer, metal, doll making, woodworking, papermaking and various handicrafts.

We would like to speak about our favourite craftsman.

Masataka Okuda is the third of his generation and works with his father (80 years old) and his mother in his workshop of more than 1000 square meters. He is located in the hills at 30 km from "Toki city", literally "The city of ceramics". Masataka okuda's grandfather started the company in the 1900s.

Like many young Japanese ceramists, the Okuda family is very specialised. They work with fine porcelain known as "eggshell". Thus, the object created is as light as a cloud and as thin as a butterfly's wing. Being a ceramist means being on all fronts: creating shapes, working on the design, implementing it and finally making it. All the objects created by the Okuda family are handmade, no machine is used apart from the lathe to create the cup and the kiln for firing.

And we are happy and proud to be able to present you the objects made by their hand and "for us".